Y.O.U. at the Negotiating Table: The 3 Ds in Sales Negotiation
I. Rationale
In today’s business landscape, organizations should be mindful of the myriad of factors to win
clients, or the external customers. Regardless of the nature of industry, the sales department
alongside the responsible internal customers play a very crucial role in reaching a positive,
satisfying and consistent financial backdrop.
But it’s not just about winning clients through successful negotiations but establishing a genuine
relationship with them. How do we win them in the first place? How do we connect with them?
How do we sustain our relationship with them? What are their very needs? What is the trend
of the market today? What is our competitive edge over other suppliers? These are the
questions we need to answer with clarity.
II. Objectives
At the end of the sessions, the participants are expected to:
- To be more customer-centric
- To be objective and solution-focused in handling customer complaints and objections
- To be more controlled and be observers of their emotions
- To be more positive and proactive in dealing with their respective assignments
- To build effective habits that are aligned both with their personal and professional goals
- To be more relational than transactional